ViewGroup 没有重写 View 的 measure() 和 onMeasure() 方法,沿用的还是View的
然后在 View 的源码中,我们找到 measure(),它内部调用到 onMeasure()。
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| * This is called to find out how big a view should be. The parent * supplies constraint information in the width and height parameters. * The actual measurement work of a view is performed in * {@link #onMeasure(int, int)}, called by this method. Therefore, only * {@link #onMeasure(int, int)} can and must be overridden by subclasses. * * @param widthMeasureSpec Horizontal space requirements as imposed by the * parent * @param heightMeasureSpec Vertical space requirements as imposed by the * parent */ public final void measure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { ...... long key = (long) widthMeasureSpec << 32 | (long) heightMeasureSpec & 0xffffffffL; if (mMeasureCache == null) mMeasureCache = new LongSparseLongArray(2); if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT) == PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT || widthMeasureSpec != mOldWidthMeasureSpec || heightMeasureSpec != mOldHeightMeasureSpec) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET; resolveRtlPropertiesIfNeeded(); int cacheIndex = (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT) == PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT ? -1 : mMeasureCache.indexOfKey(key); if (cacheIndex < 0 || sIgnoreMeasureCache) { onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_MEASURE_NEEDED_BEFORE_LAYOUT; } else { long value = mMeasureCache.valueAt(cacheIndex); setMeasuredDimensionRaw((int) (value >> 32), (int) value); mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_MEASURE_NEEDED_BEFORE_LAYOUT; } if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET) != PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET) { throw new IllegalStateException("View with id " + getId() + ": " + getClass().getName() + "#onMeasure() did not set the" + " measured dimension by calling" + " setMeasuredDimension()"); } mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED; } mOldWidthMeasureSpec = widthMeasureSpec; mOldHeightMeasureSpec = heightMeasureSpec; mMeasureCache.put(key, ((long) mMeasuredWidth) << 32 | (long) mMeasuredHeight & 0xffffffffL); }
其中,方法内传入的2个参数:widthMeasureSpec、heightMeasureSpec 也原封不动的传给 onMeasure() 方法中。 那 widthMeasureSpec,heightMeasureSpec 又是什么东西呢,我们从注释中看到:是 父View提供给子View(当前的view)宽高的约束信息,即:父View根据自己的宽高、内边距信息计算合成的值,提供给子View自己测量时候使用,作为一个建议值,不是父View的宽高信息
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| protected void measureChild(View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec, int parentHeightMeasureSpec) { final LayoutParams lp = child.getLayoutParams(); final int childWidthMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(parentWidthMeasureSpec, mPaddingLeft + mPaddingRight, lp.width); final int childHeightMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(parentHeightMeasureSpec, mPaddingTop + mPaddingBottom, lp.height); child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec); }
那么,widthMeasureSpec 和 heightMeasureSpec 具体又代表测量信息的什么呢?我们再看看 MeasureSpec(View 中的静态类),发现,里面有 mode 和 size,mode 是测量模式(3中,不再细说,大家都知道),size 是测量大小,并且提供了 makeMeasureSpec() 和 getMode() ,getSize() 方法。
measureSpec 这个东西是由 mode 和 size 合成的一个值,合成方法就是依靠 makeMeasureSpec() 来做位运算生成的。然后View和ViewGroup 会拿着它作为参数传递的。
measureSpec 是携带了测量模式和测量大小信息的一个值
getChildMeasureSpec() 是个具有Android View 测量方法论的一个方法,必须要知道。
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| public static int getChildMeasureSpec(int spec, int padding, int childDimension) { int specMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(spec); int specSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(spec); int size = Math.max(0, specSize - padding); int resultSize = 0; int resultMode = 0; switch (specMode) { case MeasureSpec.EXACTLY: if (childDimension >= 0) { resultSize = childDimension; resultMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY; } else if (childDimension == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) { resultSize = size; resultMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY; } else if (childDimension == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) { resultSize = size; resultMode = MeasureSpec.AT_MOST; } break; case MeasureSpec.AT_MOST: if (childDimension >= 0) { resultSize = childDimension; resultMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY; } else if (childDimension == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) { resultSize = size; resultMode = MeasureSpec.AT_MOST; } else if (childDimension == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) { resultSize = size; resultMode = MeasureSpec.AT_MOST; } break; case MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED: if (childDimension >= 0) { resultSize = childDimension; resultMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY; } else if (childDimension == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) { resultSize = View.sUseZeroUnspecifiedMeasureSpec ? 0 : size; resultMode = MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED; } else if (childDimension == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) { resultSize = View.sUseZeroUnspecifiedMeasureSpec ? 0 : size; resultMode = MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED; } break; } return MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(resultSize, resultMode); }
然后这个方法内,最后一步,也是将 mode 和 size 合成 measureSpec,并返回给 childWidthMeasureSpec。
所以,我们在自定义View中可能会重写onMeasure方法时,要想知道 测量模式 mode 和大小,则必须通过getMode()、getSize()来获取。
我们再看看View的 onMeasure() :
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| protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { setMeasuredDimension(getDefaultSize(getSuggestedMinimumWidth(), widthMeasureSpec), getDefaultSize(getSuggestedMinimumHeight(), heightMeasureSpec)); }
这里的 getDefaultSize() 方法,他也是这么做的:
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| public static int getDefaultSize(int size, int measureSpec) { int result = size; int specMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(measureSpec); int specSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec); switch (specMode) { case MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED: result = size; break; case MeasureSpec.AT_MOST: case MeasureSpec.EXACTLY: result = specSize; break; } return result; }
onMeasure() 被重写时,一定要调用 setMeasuredDimension() 方法
为什么一定要这么做呢,我们先来看看 这个方法干了什么?
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| private void setMeasuredDimensionRaw(int measuredWidth, int measuredHeight) { mMeasuredWidth = measuredWidth; mMeasuredHeight = measuredHeight; mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET; }
Google 也提倡使用此类的 array 来代替 HashMap 在Android中的使用,其他类似的array大家也都知道
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| * LongSparseLongArray: * * Map of {@code long} to {@code long}. Unlike a normal array of longs, there * can be gaps in the indices. It is intended to be more memory efficient than using a * {@code HashMap}, both because it avoids * auto-boxing keys and values and its data structure doesn't rely on an extra entry object * for each mapping. */
onMeasure()被重写时,wrap_content 的功能需要自己实现
如果不单独对 AT_MOST 做处理,在使用的时候设置 wrap_content,效果也就是和 match_parent 等价的。
为什么呢? 还是分析 getChildMeasureSpec() 方法:
此时 childDimension 为 wrap_content,其测量结果 resultSize = size(specSize - padding, 父View的测量尺寸大小 或 父View剩余可用空间)
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| private int defaultWidth, defaultHeight; @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { int widthSpec = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec); int heightSpec = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec); int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); if (widthSpec == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST && heightSpec == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) { setMeasuredDimension(defaultWidth, defaultHeight); } else if (widthSpec == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) { setMeasuredDimension(defaultWidth, widthSize); } else if (heightSpec == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) { setMeasuredDimension(widthSize, defaultHeight); } }
View 的测量方法是由它的父View发起的
View 自己并不能主动发起测量,都是由父View或外界调用requestLayout()来调View的测量。
ViewGroup会对自己所有的子View调起来测量的过程,父View对所有的子View 测量完毕后,再测量自己
Android 测量起始由ViewRoot执行开始
从 ViewRootImpl 的performTraversals 开始,首先调用测量相关方法,ViewRootImpl的performMeasure方法,方法中会调用 ViewGroup measure方法,ViewGroup再对子View进行测量,如此递归下去,知道完成测量